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Personal Projects

Since beginning my journey in this field, my dedication to the work and motivation to grow have led me to exceptional projects and experiences. Take a moment to explore my portfolio below, which includes a combination of collaborations, commissioned work and side projects. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like to learn more.

Visual Effect Graph (Unity)

Craft particle strips with VFX Graph.

Customize properties: position, color, velocity.

Utilize modules: Initial Velocity, Turbulence.

Fine-tune with Visual Graph.

Ensure HDRP-specific rendering.

Optimize with GPU Events.

Initialize for dynamic effects.

Dancing Robo Kyle (Hair Controller Simulation) (Unity)

Smooth camera follow script

 - Interpolated for fluidity.

 - Customizable parameters.

 - Dynamic updates for realism.

 - Utilized in camera movement for Brownian motion.

Wig Controller Script(Controlling Hair Simulation)

 - Realistic Dynamics: Spring, damping, gravity.

 - Dynamic Simulation: Smooth, fluid motion.

 - Customizable Effects: Noise amplitude, frequency, speed.

Post Processing (Unity)

This Unity script, part of 'UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects', adds vignette and chromatic aberration post-processing effects to a camera. Key features include intensity control, chromatic aberration strength adjustments, axial aberration settings, and customizable blur effects. The script utilizes 'shaders' for vignette, separable blur, and chromatic aberration. It enhances visual appeal through temporary render textures and pre-pass rendering for optimization. The 'OnRenderImage' method applies these effects, creating a versatile tool for enhancing a Unity camera's visual output.


🎨 Vignette & Chromatic Aberration Artistry: Integrated Vignette for artistic focal point emphasis and Chromatic Aberration for immersive color fringing. These effects were fine-tuned to deliver a visually stunning experience.


🌐 Selective Application with Post-Processing Volume: Controlled the application of effects using Post-Processing Volume, ensuring targeted zones received specific visual treatments. A game-changer for scene aesthetics.


👨‍💻 Algorithmic Precision: Delved into the algorithms governing X Shift, Tilt-Shift, and Chromatic Aberration. The technical dance of code ensures a visually pleasing and immersive experience.

A* Star Algorithm

🎮✨**A* Algorithm in Unity: Unlocking Intelligent Pathfinding**

The A* (A-star) algorithm is a versatile and widely-used pathfinding algorithm in the realm of game development, and Unity provides a robust platform to implement it seamlessly.

Here's a closer look at what A* does and why it's a game-changer:

In this Demo I have created some scripts to pathfinding :-

Path Class - A serializable class representing a path in a hexagonal grid. It contains an array of `Tile` objects representing the tiles in the path.


Tile Script - Manages hexagonal grid tile properties, including pathfinding costs, highlighting, and modification. Features include terrain cost color-coding and text display.


PathIllustrator Script - This script, coupled with a LineRenderer component, visually represents paths in a Unity hexagonal grid. It sets the LineRenderer's positions based on a given Path, creating a path visualization with a constant height offset. 

Flappy Bird (Visual Scripting)

1. Implemented a basic game using Visual Scripting.

2. Implemented a cloning system.

3. Score system will also update after cloning.

4. Implemented a Simple UI.

Fighter's City

1. Implement in a Combo Attack System. Player and enemy animations.

2. Implementation of cool down time after every combo attacks for player.

3. AI system for enemy behavior so enemy will follow player and attacks.

4. Created a Spawning mechanism. Addition of sound effects and particle systems.

5. Implemented a Player UI Stats.

3D Tank Battle 

  • There are different states for player and enemy like attack state, Idle state e.t.c. For enemy implemented patrolling state to move around that particular area and whenever player comes inside enemy will goes to patrolling state to chasing state or attack state ,it will follow the player and attack.

  • To make it more interesting I have implemented some achievement system that works when player tank fire enemy tank and it will increase the amount of bullet for the next reload. I have also give camera shake when the player got hit by enemy tank.

  • In the technical part I have used some the design patterns like - MVC's, Singleton, Observer Patterns, Object Pool, State pattern e.t.c.

3D Snake

  • Like 2D its a modified version of snake game.

  • Game has only one scene in with a good UI.

  • Created a beautiful level and environment to enhance the user experience

  • Added different sound as per snake’s pick-up, bombs e.t.c.

Ninja Runner

  • Make a endless runner type game. Used Object Polling for different types of enemy as well as for the environment.

  • Game has only two scene in with a good UI.

  • Created a beautiful level and environment to enhance the user experience.

  • Added different enemies like ninja, bees and  squirrels. Implemented AI for enemy to follow and attack on the player. 

3D ED - TECH (Company Product)

  • PhiBonacci Hyper-Interactive 3D Simulations have been developed using our proprietary Phi-Tech Engine that produces rich Hyper-interactive 3D content with negligible hardware resource dependence, including low processing power, RAM, graphics power, etc. Our Hyper-Interactive 3D Simulations will run practically on any hardware configuration currently available.

  • PhiBonacci Hyper-Interactive 3D Simulations are scalable and deployable seamlessly as it is platform agnostic, which means they can run on any version of Android, Apple iOS, Mac OS, Windows OS, Smart touch panel OS, Android virtual reality OS, etc., including future tech such as Google AR glasses, Apple Glasses, etc.

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3D Racing Car

1. Implemented a Stunning Environment.

2. Created a functionality for our Car.         

3. Implemented a Boost up system.

4. Some Flipping After Car has Been Crashed

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